Environment Perception and Parallel Parking for an Autonomous Vehicle


  • Type: Competition
  • Affiliation: Pandas Team (GitHub)
  • By: Rahnehsan, National Elites Foundation (بنیاد ملی نخبگان)
  • When: Sep 2020 - Feb 2021
  • Objective: The competition had two main objectives:
      1. Fulfill the task of environment perception for a self-driving car (GitHub Link)
      2. Automatic Parking as well as designing an environment to do it (GitHub Link)
  • Results:
      Our team managed to get the first rank among more than 15 qualified teams in the competition.
  • Environment Perception included:
      Object Detection
      Line Detection
      Traffic Sign Detection
      Monocular Depth Estimation
  • Automatic Parking included:
      Path Planning
      Path Tracking
      Environment Design
      Traffic Sign Detection
  • Some pictures of the Environment Perception task are as follows:


    Some pictures of the Environment Perception task are as follows:
